I haven't the energy to cross shit out etc...I will just answer to each one :)
1. Venison - YES
2. Nettle tea - NO not sure what this is
3. Huevos rancheros - No but it doesn't look bad.
4. Steak tartare - A raw as I usually eat steak I still need it warmed a little so NO
5. Crocodile - No, but I hear it taste like chicken
6. Black pudding - I will pass on the blood pudding Mmmmm
7. Cheese fondue - Yes
8. Carp - No I hate most fish
9. Borscht - Maybe it sounds firmiliar
10. Baba ghanoush - No
11. Calamari - That falls under fish in my book whether dead or alive NO
12. Pho - Isn't he a teletubby LOL... No to this but I am sure the Korean woman that got me to eat fermented cabbage when I was pregnant made some of this and I passed because the meat was pretty raw.
13. PB&J sandwich - Yes but I didn't love it...
14. Aloo gobi - ??? No I don't know what it is.
15. Hot dog from a street cart - No...but I would if I could find one.
16. Epoisses - No
17. Black truffle - No Too expensive I guess
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes - Yes Cherry's :)
19. Steamed pork buns- No to porkies butt LOL
20. Pistachio ice cream- Yes but it was not spectacular
21. Heirloom tomatoes - Yes a lady used to bring some to work for us all...YUMMY
22. Fresh wild berries - Yes Raspberry strawberry and even a few blueberry's
23. Foie gras - no It looks lovely on the fancy cooking shows but liver is liver :)
24. Rice and beans - yes and I love Popeye's kind
25. Brawn, or head cheese NEVER...NOPE..YUCK
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper - No
27. Dulce de leche - MMMmmmmm Yummy stuff I like it on cheesecake
28. Oysters - No YUCK
29. Baklava - I love this stuff. My friend was Greek and her father made if for us one time....AWESOME STUFF!
30. Bagna cauda - No but I would try it I guess
31. Wasabi peas - never dared to do the wasabi thing
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl - that is under the yuck category for me
33. Salted lassi - poor Lassie what did she ever do to you!!!
34. Sauerkraut - I have been to Germany...they put this on everything it's great in sandwhiches! Or on Brats YUMMY! Beer Brats and Saurkraut...Lots of gas but lots of flavor LOL
35. Root beer float - Once but I don't really like rootbeer
36. Cognac with a fat cigar - Cognac burns I like a cigar every now and again at camp.
37. Clotted cream tea - Anything that has to clot to be eaten or drank is not really up there in my list of YUMMY
38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O - I wish I could say no but those Jello shots are good
39. Gumbo - Yes..Jerry had a friend in the military from Louisiana...that was amazing stuff!
40. Oxtail - Yes...I have made Oxtail soup before Good Ol Jacques Pepin!
41. Curried goat - Not much for goat LOL
42. Whole insects - NEVER
43. Phaal - No
44. Goat’s milk - tried it once because it is supposed to be easy for lactose intolerant people to digest and Jerry's mom got some for the kids to try.
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more - Yes but I have to say it's just not my thing
46. Fugu - No
47. Chicken tikka masala - No
48. Eel - NO
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut - No but I wish I could try one they are supposed to be AWESOME
50. Sea urchin - No
51. Prickly pear - No
52. Umeboshi - no
53. Abalone - no
54. Paneer - Nope
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal - Yes, and I don't really like big macs but when you have that attack you need one.
56. Spaetzle - Yes
57. Dirty gin martini - Nope
58. Beer above 8% ABV - Hell yeah many times...In Germany they don't regulate the alcohol level like here...It's a different kind of drunk! I would not survive it now a days :)
59. Poutine - No but I have had it without the cheese :)
60. Carob chips - Fake Chocolate what is the point?
61. S’mores - Hell Yeah
62. Sweetbreads - with fava beans NO
63. Kaolin - no
64. Currywurst - no
65. Durian - No
66. Frogs’ legs - no
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake - YEP
69. Fried plantain - Yes in a cuban place in Miami..They are alright
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette - no
71. Gazpacho - I like soup to be warm
72. Caviar and blini - even if I could I wouldn't
73. Louche absinthe - No but it looks cool in movies when they do that sugar thing
74. Gjetost, or brunost - No
75. Roadkill -Deer count? We hit one once
76. Baijiu - no
77. Hostess Fruit Pie - no
78. Snail - no
79. Lapsang souchong - no
80. Bellini - no
81. Tom yum - no
82. Eggs Benedict - Yes but I didn't like them much I could see why someone would though
83. Pocky - no
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant. Not sure I would have to check the ratings of a couple I have been at. I ate at one in Seattle that I could only afford coffee and desert
85. Kobe beef - no
86. Hare - no
87. Goulash - yes
88. Flowers - I used to eat carnations :)
89. Horse -Possibly..but I didn't know what is was ?? Long story
90. Criollo chocolate - no
91. Spam - Of Course lived on it as a kid -
92. Soft shell crab - no
93. Rose harissa - no
94. Catfish - no
95. Mole poblano - no
96. Bagel and lox - that is under the fish category
97. Lobster Thermidor - nope
98. Polenta - yeah
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee - nope
100. Snake - no
I am surprised Kimshe is not on here. Yummy...Just kidding I have had it when I was pregnant the Korean women gave it to me and I ate it all up and loved it...once I was not pregnant the attraction went away. Jerry was shocked I ate it...Since it had been buried in the back yard just a day before LOL