Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Air Quotes......

So for the winner of the best costume I have a mini bar set which includes Seven, Crown, Midori, Baileys, Kahlua, Tanqueray, and Malibu Rum. There will also be some other Bar related goodies in there! Jerry and I have some kick ass costumes....SO...I hope everyone comes up with something. :)

I am making cheese dip with crackers and pretzels, also some peanut butter brownies for Colleen....I have made her wait long enough :) Let's see I will come up with some more stuff as I go. Also I have to go into the closet of Doom to retrieve decorations so if I don't show up on Saturday come get me I am lost in a parallel universe!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween PARTY???? ANYone??

So I was talking to Colleen and we decided we needed to party Saturday. We shall call it a Halloween party because it legitimizes it somehow LOL......I have decorations! Yeah! So I think we are planning to do this at Rick and Colleens house since they have the room. I would say they have a few less dogs in their house than I do but.....ROFLMAO I have two little ones here along with Karma and it's constant barking and peeing LOL... I will talk with Jerry and make the final plans tonight then details to follow tomorrow. Colleen didn't think anyone would wear a costume.............I must come up with a prize that will entice even the most reserved come up with something.... :)


Saturday, October 25, 2008

You Know You're A Freak When.......

So I was checking out at a store recently and this little kid about 5 comes running at me. He is so excited it just makes me laugh. He's dressed up in his halloween costume which is a Dr. covered in blood. He couldn't have been more than 5-6 years old. He goes..."Do you like "MY" costume?" I added the bloody nose and stuff cause it was cool HUH?" And I look at him and say "Yep it's pretty gruesome dude I love it." I happen to catch his mothers wide eyes staring at me. The kid satisfied with my answer goes running off to his mother and I can hear their conversation which ends with the mother going "No honey that's not a costume she looks like that all the time......."

Yep....That pretty much means I'm a freak!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Freakin' Lost!

Yep I drove to NH to spend a couple days with Jerry while Zack is on his school trip. I had an awesome time. Stopped everywhere along the way and took my time. UNTIL...the directions led me astray and I just about lost it. I crossed the NH to ME bridge 4 times! I guess all I have to say is it is best to know what exit two you are going to be taking...the one in Maine or the one in F**king NH! BTW it's the one in NH that works best if you are headed to Manchester! So after a consult with Jerry and him pretty much calming me down from hysteria I made it here! Now I am off to have dinner with Jerry and him into some fun stuff.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

System failure & Shopping

Where have I been all week? Well lets just say that Jerry spent all night fixing my computer again. I just got my new hard drive installed last weekend and then when loading on rhapsody I had to reboot to load updates and that was is. Black screen of doom! So I had a good cry because I have had this computer for 7 weeks! That's it !!! WTF??? I haven't had time to load hundreds of useless programs that will cause it to crash. I have barely used it. Since I lost everything I had on it the first time I haven't really trusted it fully to do stuff on. So loosing everything a second time was not as devastating. HOPEFULLY (Knock on composite wood product known as my desk) It will run great now.

So I spent the whole day shopping with my friend Karen. It was a ton of fun. I haven't done something like that for a long time. We hit the Christmas Tree Shop in August (LOVE IT THERE!!!!!!) and then shopped all around August and Waterville. The plan was to hit Portland but we decided to stay closer so we could get more shopping in. I think I need to do more stuff like that. I always worry about doing things with people since I never know what to talk about and get a little nervous, but Karen and I have known each other since 7th grade so it was really easy to talk. I got some really adorable stuff for Christmas decorating. I am going to do snowmen this year! I used to have a big collection but I sold it all when I was going to move. Not this time I am keeping it. I found some great figures and some painted canvases. I am totally going back there next month and getting more stuff. It's worth the drive...especially if you hit Panera's for lunch which is one of my favorite places. (My mom takes me there in Florida when I am there) So it was a great day. I almost forgot about the fact that I was 35 LOL....I'm OVER IT! :) The lady who thought I was lying about my age when she cut my hair made me feel like a million bucks so God Bless her for pulling out of my funk!

Well I am off to clean and pack and shit for our busy week. Jerry is away in NH for a week, Zack is off to SEA camping trip for school 3 days and I am going to join Jerry for a few days in NH. SO No guitar lessons until after Thursday :)


Monday, October 13, 2008

Why Do Birthdays Have to Happen?

Remember when you were a kid and all excited that you were going to get older and all that. Wish I had woke up this morning feeling that way. Honestly it's basically just an ordinary day for me. Jerry had to work and Zack is off from school. I even taught a guitar lesson. Guess I am feeling kinda crappy about being older. Everyone had planned stuff this weekend so I didn't do a party or anything...AND I am still a little sick. ARGHHHHH!

I had my second guitar lesson with my friend Karen's son. He's a cute little kiddo. I almost feel guilty charging for lessons because I have a good time too. Some day though I would love to do it for a job. Jerry got me a metronome for my birthday...Really he got me 3 LOL...A couple digital ones and a really awesome old fashioned one that ticks so pretty like a nice clock. I have always wanted one like that. It is nice when you are trying to tech rhythm. I guess he also go me a music stand which I have wanted for a gajillion years too. Can't wait to have that. It will be nice not to have to read stuff I have throw on the floor.

Well, I don't know what is going on for dinner. I don't feel like cooking. My kitchen is so damn clean right now it seems a shame to mess it up. We've done take out though a couple of nights already. Can't decide though.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Twisted Roots

This is not my favorite song by Twisted Roots...They have another song on their new CD called New Monday this is awesome. You can get is on Rhapsody or just listen to it on their MySpace page. I have liked Twisted Roots since I was a sophomore in high school. It's funny seeing them all old and stuff. BUT Hey I am all old and stuff now too LOL....