Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't Freak Out...I'm Blogging

Well it's been such a long time since I have blogged i think I almost forgot how to do it. Since my threads on face book get longer and longer I must have a lot to say?

Life is once again going a hundred miles an hour. I am running all the time. The great thing this year is that I have a child old enough to take care of himself finally. I resist my temptations to get up and nag him to get things done. He wakes me up at 6:30-7 and I hang with him for a bit before the bus comes. I'm so proud of him. He has already gotten praise in school for doing his work and being pleasant.

It's been amazing to me to see how much he has grown. From a boy that I thought was going to slip through the cracks to an honor roll student. Do I take the credit? definitely not all of it. Jerry is here now (so Rick get's some credit for getting Jerry out of that rat hole job he had in Portland) Having Jerry around has made things so much nicer. The biggest amount of credit goes to Zack himself though. He works really hard at school even when we have told him to "just do your best" He always surprises me. I have spent years worried that, him being diagnosed with Aspergers was going to mean he would never be able to be "normal" Zack is proof that when everyone works together, school, family, Dr. you can make the most out of a hard situation. We never backed down and we got him the help he needed. He still struggles to write. He always will. He will always have to slow down and read things a couple of times before he gets it. But giving him support and confidence has helped him over come the hardest things.

OK that is really all I wanted to talk about. I needed to take a break from my crazy busy day of Sam's club and grocery shopping...My head is pounding so I am going to take some tylenol and put my feet up. Later~

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Top Ten Things That Piss Me Off This Week So Far

1. People who ride your ass in construction then try and pass you right before the lanes merge into one, and or, the asshole who screams down the lane that is closing and thinks that you are going to just let him in front of you like he deserves it.

2. People who think the middle lane by the Hampden School Zone is a Passing Lane. Yes it always works out so great. Scream by me because I'm doing 15 in a school zone and almost hit the damn kids in the cross walk. Good for you.

3. People who beep and throw a fit when you are sitting at a light that says NO TURN ON RED. Hello, read the sign. Leave me alone.

4. People who cut in line and act like you hadn't been standing there with your stuff ready to check out. Apparently they are much more important than I.

5. Parents who let their kids walk all over them and throw tantrums at stores. My mother would have blistered my ass if I made a scene. Now a days parents try to reason with their kids. We all know it's not going to work. You don't reason with kids you teach them to listen and respect you and if they do they earn respect back. That's old school but it beats the brat telling his mother off at Walmart ... I was gonna offer to slap that kid for the woman.

6. Wells Fargo. I hate the company and as soon as I pay off my loan I am never dealing with them again. They called me 100 times last week. I have a record and they fall into this gray area so it's not harassment.

7. Being told about a homework assignment that requires several items that I don't have the night before it's due.

8. My Ex-Brother In Law.... For so many reasons but this week he is threatening to take the plates off of my sister's car because he wont help her get it re-register.

9. I bit my tongue and now I have one taste bud that hurts like hell and it's driving me nuts.

10. People who are protesting against the president and think he is doing a shitty job. Where were all the protesters when the bush administration was running our country into the ground. I cringe at the thoughts of McCain and what he would have done to the country had he been elected.......

So that is what has frustrated me this week so far. I am very concerned that people just can't drive anymore. Drink your coffee, talk on the cell phone, read a book, just don't do it while your driving....


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Busy Day

Well I woke up to my Mother's Day celebration early. It was nice to get treated to breakfast. I love the Coffee Break Cafe for breakfast. It's one of the best I have ever had and it's right down the street. I could eat scrambled eggs and bacon 24/7.

After that we hit Lowes and Walmart. I got some Mother's Day mulch (I asked for it...It take a lot to cover my garden and I love the whole gardening thing...Plus we got some sheet rock to finish my bathroom wall.....And some more grout to work on my back splash tiles. Unfortunately I didn't get anything done today since we had my sister in laws kids show up and we hung out. My nephew is really into vampires and twilight books all of a sudden so him and I had a lot to talk about LOL... It was cool. I never get to be the cool Aunt. Usually the kids are so enamored with Jerry that I just hang in the back...but this was neat....

I made this really cool center piece for the food table for my prom party. A giant guitar...Woo Hoo. It came out pretty cool.

Well off to vedge out for a while. I'm way tired. Later~

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I love May. It's my favorite month aside from October. The bugs aren't bad yet. My flowers are coming up. It's cool enough to work outside without over heating. We've gotten a lot done on our house. I don't think I will get it all done before my Grandmother gets here on the 29th but I will get as much as possible done.

I tried my hand at grouting. It's hard to do but not that bad. It came out nice. I still need way more grout to finish up my kitchen, and I went with a more calming shade of green since the teal color was a bit "BRIGHT" Zack picked it out and it turns out he really wanted that color for his room to go with the florescent green trim he has... The kitchen is now a money green and its purdy....

So...Gonna have a long weekend away next week. Nothing says mother's day like driving down and staying in a 3 star hotel then going to see Dane Cook... I'm way excited about it. I didn't get the 69.00 dollar room that was available last week but I did get a nice King Size room for 99 bucks. Loves the Priceline. Wish I had gotten paid last week though. Oh well it's only 30 bucks and to have a king size bed is going to be nice...

Let's see lots going on this month. DON'T FORGET the 80's PROM. I have at least 30 people coming. I am going nuts. I am so excited. I have been sewing up a storm fixing up suits and dress and even a kilt! WooHoo... I haven't done this much quality sewing since Home Ec Class in High School. I've really out done myself this time I think and if I can get the balloon arches and columns to come out like I practiced then it's going to be prettier than my Real prom was...If not it's still going to be a hell of a good time.

I'll leave you with this...."Ratt is an awesome band" :)~

Friday, April 10, 2009



I think it's a full moon......That would explain so much... Maybe it's just Friday and Firday ROCKS!

I haven't blogged in so long. I spend my time on FB and I am ashamed at how I am addicted to that Yoville game.....There has been talk of buying a YoHouse....It's not right and I know it...BUT try and stop me now SUCKAS.... LOL...

Jerry has taken to FB like a Whore to a bus full of Marines....(Yes you can quote me if you need to) I think it is funny that the guy who said he doesn't like those cheesy tests etc...has taken every damn one he can get. He's so cute! :) Apparently he would be the guy to know should the Zombies attack!

I have been working on the 80's Prom! This is going to be the Shit! People are so excited. I lent out my actual prom dress to my cousin's wife...She is the only person I know who is a size 4 and can fit in it...Can you believe I was a size 4??? Ya the days of being 95 pounds are long past...I console myself with my B cups....(since I never had any boobs..and just having some is damn awesome.... :) ) ANYWAY...I'm helping my friend Karen combine a couple dresses she found into one...I totally 80ed out the dress I bought and got the cropped jean jacket to wear over it...The only thing left to think about aside from where everything will go is what to make for food...Any ideas would be good...I have access to the kitchen but would like to keep it all cold foods or crockpot kinda stuff so I don't have to be heating stuff up...Also if anyone want to help decorate I could use some prom committee crew...

Well I am off to work on the 80's trivia for the party.

Later All~

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Anit Christ is here and his name is YoVille

Why...Why Why did someone invite me to YoVille...OMG I can't stay off that damn site. I think its lame and yet I am Rock Paper Scissoring my ass off for coins....WTF is up with that. I pimped out my pad. I'm addicted to gambling. I want to buy a dog? It's stupid and yet I love it. I find myself getting up early so I can get paid 3 times a day. It's like pablo's dog for Spammers. Let's throw them a coin or two and see if we can rape their personal information and sell it to everyone YEAH! I don't care. My computer is all full of Malware....It's worse than porn as far as how much spy ware and shit I now have on here. DAMN FACE BOOK Damn it to hell. O.K. Enough said I'm off to go Kiss Kristie back and race Rick! :) Smirk!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Face book

So I signed up for face book. I looked around made a few comments but so far I don't see what the big appeal is to it yet. I didn't see a space to blog. It's just little comments here and there. I guess I will just have to wait and see. I was looking at the tweeter thing too and I thought....Geesh that is just too much work and stress. I currently monitor 6 people in my family in their day to day lives why would I want to have to monitor everyone (Although I love the whole Tweet tweet thing :) I mean it would be cool to tweet someone famous. MY day was crazy thus far and busy...I am taking a few minutes to regroup and then I am off again to do the night rounds of picking everyone up. Hopefully mindy's truck is finished. It keeps getting moved. I'm gonna cross my fingers, toes, eyes, what ever it takes to get good luck.

well I am off to find something productive to do but I doubt I will find it. I know I am just going to end up on HULU watching House or whatever. Hell's kitchen is on tonight...GOD I love that F8ckin screaming Tw#t Chef Ramsey. He rocks. FMR's !!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Is So GAY

Have you seen this?


Now let my rant begin.....When I say something is so gay! I really mean it :) It's Gay. But since there is an ad now I am going to be socially ostracized for it. So I have decided from now on anything that was once "gay" will be "gaytastic" How can that hurt anyones feelings...Or I can switch to QUEER. Since Queer does mean odd and out of place and when I used to say something was gay...I suppose proper English would require the word queer instead. I need to know though...If you are a meat gazer you're still gay right? :)

Now I will be working on my own add to remove the stigma from such words as Douche bag...When you say douche bag do you mean it? It's a refreshing and cleaning experience....Not a bad word. OR when you call someone a Bitch. Really come on people. You offend all of dog kind there. They can't speak up against such things.

All I have to say is....Stop being so Gay and I wouldn't have to point it out. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The anitbiotics I am on are making me feel pukey! 1 more day. I've had 3 Dr. Apt. in the last 2 weeks. Yeah! Just had blood drawn today. My vow to be healthy this year is going to come true. So far the Manipulation thing was awesome. After a month and a half...No headaches, no side pains, no shoulder pains...Whooo Hooooo...Great stuff. I didn't think it would even make a difference. What do I know.... As for the other stuff well...I took care of my girl stuff for the year...(sucks but necessary) So I am glad to be done with that LOL...And today I am getting tested for autoimmune stuff like arthritis. for years I have not felt right and it's nice to have someone listen to me. I did all this research and brought it in just in case I had to explain why I thought the way I did, but the PA I saw mentioned everything on my list before I did. I was impressed. So....Here's to good health everyone. Geesh look at how well Colleen is doing with her diet. It's so amazing. And Rick lost all that weight and works out. It really inspires me. Now I need to get Jerry in to get his tummy taken care of. He needs to be healthy to. I don't wanna be here on this God forsaken planet without him! :) Later~

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is It Too much to ask

So this whole 80's thing has me searching for cool stuff to wear and I came across this picture...Remember REEBOKS! God I had the coolest ones that were white cow print and I thought I bet I can find those on Ebay somewhere...Well turns out that they make a new cow print at about 80-120 dollars a pair if you can find them....Do I want them...YES! Do I need to spend that kinda money..............Sulk......NO Pouty lip...BUT I do want them.

So I chose the 30th of May for the party. I find it would be better for more people..WooHoo!!!! I have been out searching for stuff already. There are a lot of dresses out there...As for the guys I know everyone wants to know what they should wear...I had some ideas (Devious smirk)

You get the picture...I have tons of ideas...There is a whole decade of style to choose from....I am so excited to see how people dress

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So it is official.......80's Prom Party !! I have two prospective Dates of either May 31st or June 6th. I was going to do it in August for our anniversary but I am switching it to Jerry's B-day party. The theme "I WANNA ROCK" I have the Lodge in Winterport booked. They have a nice room upstairs...I am trying to get an 80's cover band but if that doesn't work out...I have music already...I even got the soon as I know the exact dates and times the invitations will be going out. I am leaning towards June 6th. It's going to be a blast....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Loves HULU

Paste this link in....Its so friggin funny ... I love Alec Baldwin he's such an ass.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Getting House Queer

House Queer - The point you reach in which you start acting odd or queerly (not gay) due to a prolonged stay in your house. You can also become Came Queer which I am told is worse especially if it's at hunting camp and you are surrounded by guys who smell of sweat and beer. The only cure for being house queer is leaving said house.

I hate this time of year. I want to get out of this house! I have left a few times...It was Awesome...of course I have no place to really go so I find myself lingering a little longer at the grocery store when I am there...Or when I go to pick Zack up at school I get there 10 minutes early just so I can sit in my car and let the sun shine in on me through the moon roof.

On a more somber note...I hate being a freak of nature. I was at Walmart today buying a lift for my left shoe and a spacer for my right big toe. I have one leg longer than the other...I have a bunion on my right foot (Which sounds like something gross right. It just means the bone has turned out and rubs. It actually hurts a lot when I do yard work...) Anyway...When the kid checking me out said "HOW You Doin'?" To me I wanted to say isn't it obvious I'm not doing so great.... :) I'm a freak with bad feet LOL...To top it off of course today I am wearing my support socks because my ankle is swollen...GOD HATES ME :) Yeah! Bring on summer...Screw it...I seen uglier things than me at Old Orchard wearing thongs LOL....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

WTF (Not about Ingrid)

So.....How do I even begin....Took Jerry and Zack to breakfast. I love going to breakfast! It was really good and we had a good time. So I was driving back..(I drive because Jerry is a speed demon and I didn't want to get pulled over) So I was going about 33 in a 35 on Odlin Road. I passed a cop car and thought glad Jerry's not driving because he would be doing 50 through here ... I smiled to myself..Then notice the cop car pulled out and there was a car behind me and when the lights came on I thought HUH wonder what that guy was doing cause he wasn't speeding...So he pulls over and the cop keeps coming....Then I think Oh must be an accident or something so I pull over and the cop pulls in behind me. SO I start freaking out. Jerry hands me the insurance and registration...I get my license out and my heart is in my throat. I looked at Jerry and he looked at me...I said I wasn't speeding..He said I know...

So the cop comes to the window and I hand out my license. He doesn't take it but walks to the front of the car and looks at my stickers then peeks in the window at me and goes "Oh...Sorry...I saw your parking sticker and it looked like a purple inspection sticker which would be expired. You're fine to go...Sorry." I laugh nervously and the get to heck out of there....

Thanks Mr. Cop for making me pee down my leg today for no reason. I told Jerry that I can't even drive a legal car without getting pulled over for a bad inspection. That is twice in a month...Of course the first time my inspection was out and that is why we got a new car...So I wouldn't have to worry about that stuff....GO FIGURE!

See...Nothing to do with Ingrid...but...I might send the blog police out after her...Or better yet the Blog Warriors. (Cue the dokken song Dream warriors...HEHEHEHE)


Monday, February 23, 2009


From Desktop

Click on the box (That's what she said LOL)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Should I Jump On The Ingrid Train?????

I was just going to let it go. Let Jerry and Rick do their best to call Ingrid out and convince her to blog. Then I thought NO! That's not how this crew rolls. No BLOGGER GETS LEFT BEHIND!!! Whether you are in jail or just so terribly bored with your day to day train wreck of a life the BLOG MUST GO ON! In these times of suckiness and unbloggidyness we only have each other. I urge all of you to reach out a life line to those of us who blog slack. Who knows who's life you might save? It might be your own. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but Blog soon. Ask not what Ingrid can blog for you but what you can Blog for Ingrid. For the land of the free downloads and the home of the brave. God bless America. Amen. Cause we are aliens and that's how we roll.............

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just a little Gay Emo You Tube :)

I'm weird, but this is fu*king hilarious to me...Jerry bought me a Twilight T-shirt :)

WTF is up with the snow?

I have been trapped in this house all damn week.......Sick husband.....Sick kid....Everyone starts to feel better and then is starts to snow.......YUCK!

Zack was pissed this morning when he realized it was Thursday already LOL...He has been so out of it with a fever etc. that he lost the whole week. Poor guy. It sucks to be sick on your vacation.

I have yet to get sick and I feel like doing a dance...(Picture it...I'm doing the moon walk and now the robot!) WHOOOO HOOO I survived!

So my dad sent Zack a 30 dollar Harley t-shirt. Totally awesome of him to do...Does it make me petty though if I make the simple comment that I think it is gross that I had to wash this thing before Zack could wear it because it reeked of cigarette smoke! Geesh....Maybe he is around it so much that he doesn't notice it...BUT it was bad. Zack even went MOM what is that smell? :) parents....Love em...but....

Alright I will leave you with this.............

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is It Spring Yet?

This time of year sucks...I think I prefer MUD SEASON to this coldish, crappyish weather. I think there should be a law that says once the snow turns brown it needs to go! Maybe it's just me. I am ready to BBQ. Ready to sit on the porch and feel the sun on my skin. Ready to move to a warmer state LOL......

The guys are feeling better today. 4 solid days of misery for them. I feel bad. I didn't get it though and for that I am grateful. I have been pumping the vitamins to myself so I think that has helped me to not get sick.

On a side note...You know the great thing about having a new car...You can go places and not be worried about breaking down and all that. The bad thing is...Between the down payment, and up coming car payments and increased insurance...I can't afford the gas to go anywhere LOL...Life's a bitch that way. So we are back to being poor. It was a nice run while it lasted. I suppose were not really poor. We just don't have any cash :) Time will correct that I am sure.

Well off to make coffee and all that great morning stuff.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The FreakinPlague

I'm not sick.........

I'm not going to get sick........

If I say it enough maybe it will be true.

The boys both have the flu. I am really glad that I got the flu shot for Zack. He's been sick 3 times and if this is not the flu that he has then I'll be a monkey's uncle (which is hard since I am neither a monkey or an uncle...) Jerry and Zack are running fevers and both passed out on the couch snoring away.
Don't get the flu.  Don't spread the flu. Get Vaccinated.
Poor guys. I have been taking good care of them. Which means in Mom rules that upon the moment I get sick I'm on my own. Funny how that works. No rest for the wicked...or Mom's :)

Well here's to hoping that everyone else out there is doing well.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Manipulated

I had some 110 pound chick jump on me cracking my joints and pushing my hips and shoulders back where they belonged. Holy crap!!! I feel like a train hit me right now but she assured me that if I iced my shoulders and took Advil I will feel like a million dollars by tomorrow. I messed myself up pretty bad this winter shoveling and all the stupid stuff I do that I shouldn't. I guess I have one leg longer than the other too...That is always good to know...Helps with the self esteem. Anyway if I do feel awesome tomorrow I will make sure and tell everyone and see how to get Jerry in there to fix his back. Poor guy.

He's working 6:30 until 8:00 tonight and then 6:30 till 5 tomorrow...alternating with the other manager there until the crisis that is Fair Point subsides. In this economy I am holding my tongue about it. He is lucky to have such a great paying job with great benefits and in the end it will be worth it.

If you didn't see the presidential press conference last night you missed some impressive stuff. I was not sure how I truly felt about Obama...I did vote for him though...Boy was he intelligent and confident. I felt like our country might have a chance to pull out of this funk it is in. I loved the statement he made about the senate and the house should stop playing politics and worry about helping the American people. He seems to be representing the people like a president should. I have read over his bill because it is on line. It's very neat to be able to do that kind of thing. ... Anyway enough politics...

Later ya'll

Monday, February 9, 2009

Yo! TAXI!!

Yep that's me Taxi cab to the rich and famous...well to the hubby, sister, and all the kids....(BANG BANG BANG) I don't really have a life right now. Fair Point has kidnapped my husband and he has been working 12 hour days and part of the weekend...(this is just temporary. If you have not heard about the hell that is Post Verizon ... Fair Point then you must live under a rock and I envy you ... LOL) My sister's Truck is scheduled to be repaired starting on the 16th and...God only knows what is going to happen with that...(This too is just a temporary thing) FEBRUARY VACATION comes!!!! Whhhooooo Hooooo! If I had money I would hop a plane and take off for a week....(Not gonna happen) Instead I will be sleeping in....(God doesn't that sound so decadent!!!)

I know I shouldn't complain because some of you don't get February vacation to sleep in. (That sucks !!! and I hope you get some much needed time off too!) I am griping simply about the fact that I run around keeping 6 people's lives in check & All I have learned from the whole experience is thank you GOD!!! You are so wise as to not give me the three children that I wanted to have when I got married....AS IF....I don't know how my grandmother survived having 5 sons..... Of course back then it was "if you want to go somewhere...walk!" God knows I could use the exercise...but Union street is a long ways to walk LOL...

You might have guessed I'm kinda loosing it. I get like an hour and a half to myself a day and I think I start to get a little weird when I am alone. I do productive things like fix guitars and ARGGGG. I feel like I'm one of the kids in the breakfast club trying to come up with a "WHO AM I" essay......I have no idea today...So I stick the pen up my nose and roll my eyes...Maybe tomorrow it will all be clear who knows.......

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lets Not Get All Crazy NOW!

O.K. yes I have been slacking on the blogs....BUT Geesh all you guys are all doing Yoga and Eating Tofu...Working out doing cardio and weights....While I have sunk into a seasonal depression kick of hershey kisses and chocolate chips cookies....
Feet up watching the fire and wishing I was in Florida. I've gained 7 pounds and have somehow thrown my back out during some crazy sex act that I am too old to do anymore ROFLMAO...OK...It was shoveling the driveway...but you get my point. I AM LAZY! Sigh...I have never been good at the starting the new year with a desire to be a better person LOL....God Love all of you with so much inspiration and determination. When God made me he left that gene out...Along with the ability to consume mass quantities of alcohol. .. .. .. So I did have a point. I CAN'T Be converted to a healthy person...but I do admire all of you all who are doing so well. I will be bringing the butter enriched triple chocolate brownies to the party saturday... Hehehehe....After all butter is better for you than margarine and we all know chocolate is a fantastic antioxidant. I'll be saving you all from CANCER :) WINK!!

P.S. I F*%kin love our new car!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Remember Me????

I don't blame you if you say WHAT??? Who to hell are you? Oh wait....weren't you that chick that "used" to blog a long long time ago???? Yep that's me.....Blog slackanista :)

So, what has been going on with me? Jesus what hasn't? My sister's truck broke down a little bit after Christmas....Turns out the engine is completely Seized.... The guy has no idea why a 2003 engine in good shape likes hers would do that. He found red crystals in the cylinder which don't belong there but he can't explain them...Someone has mentioned Iodine in the gas tank...I don't know anyone who would want to ruin my sister's truck...WHO KNOWS...My point is really that I have been trying to (well Jerry does the early morning shift) run everyone around in our old ass Volvo which is not made to run like that. It was supposed to be a fluff car to drive to the school and back...It can't take the abuse and subsequently pretty much shit out most of it's functionalism. No heat...(oh that's great when its below zero) The break lights work sometimes, sometimes not, the power steering went and Jerry fixed that...Jesus the list goes on but I don't want to depress myself. I got pulled over today...Only got a warning but I never want to get pulled over again.

Julie....Is there a happy ending to this story? Yep............I'm getting a new car WHOO HOOO...well it's a 2006 but new to me. Low miles etc. Also Mindy got a great settlement in her divorce so she will most likely be able to come up with the money to fix her truck (2200 yikes!!!) :) So if you see the orangecrush mobile running down the road and wonder who to hell would drive that thing...yep it's us :)