Thursday, February 28, 2008


So my Mom and Uncle and Grandmother are coming up today. They should have been here already but they had problems with their plane so they are still in Orlando. Funny that shit usually happens to me not them. Rather have them on a safe plane though. I can wait.

The house is pretty damn clean. I am panicked now hoping I can keep it that way for the next few hours before they get here LOL. Zack is home so God only knows what to heck is going to happen. Oh well they are coming to see me not my mess.

Our driveway is INSANE! there is a foot of ice at the mouth of it and Jerry tried like hell last night to chip it away. Even using and AXE. He hurt his back a little. Hope not too bad. Anyway now it is like doing a Dukes Of Hazard jump to drive in. I know the people from Florida with a rental car can jump it no problem.....Right? Hahahaha. I can picture my little gram trying to drive in this crap. Not a pretty picture. We will just see how it goes.

Well I am off to try not and make a mess. Wish me luck.~

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