Thursday, February 28, 2008
So my Mom and Uncle and Grandmother are coming up today. They should have been here already but they had problems with their plane so they are still in Orlando. Funny that shit usually happens to me not them. Rather have them on a safe plane though. I can wait.
The house is pretty damn clean. I am panicked now hoping I can keep it that way for the next few hours before they get here LOL. Zack is home so God only knows what to heck is going to happen. Oh well they are coming to see me not my mess.
Our driveway is INSANE! there is a foot of ice at the mouth of it and Jerry tried like hell last night to chip it away. Even using and AXE. He hurt his back a little. Hope not too bad. Anyway now it is like doing a Dukes Of Hazard jump to drive in. I know the people from Florida with a rental car can jump it no problem.....Right? Hahahaha. I can picture my little gram trying to drive in this crap. Not a pretty picture. We will just see how it goes.
Well I am off to try not and make a mess. Wish me luck.~
The house is pretty damn clean. I am panicked now hoping I can keep it that way for the next few hours before they get here LOL. Zack is home so God only knows what to heck is going to happen. Oh well they are coming to see me not my mess.
Our driveway is INSANE! there is a foot of ice at the mouth of it and Jerry tried like hell last night to chip it away. Even using and AXE. He hurt his back a little. Hope not too bad. Anyway now it is like doing a Dukes Of Hazard jump to drive in. I know the people from Florida with a rental car can jump it no problem.....Right? Hahahaha. I can picture my little gram trying to drive in this crap. Not a pretty picture. We will just see how it goes.
Well I am off to try not and make a mess. Wish me luck.~
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Big Fat Sucky Movie
So I bought Beowulf last night, and was happy to see it was only 14 bucks. Thought cool it is supposed to be a pretty awesome flick with some cool effects and all that. God....what a train wreck! They did it all on computer, but used real actors as models (???) Anyway I have seen cheesy cartoons on cartoon network that had better computer generated stuff. It was kinda jerky and childish looking. I mean Toy Story had a better flow than this thing did. And the story...Well not sure what to say about it. I know it is one of the first written stories, so its an old tale. Based on true classic literature. They could have updated it a little. Made it easier to follow and understand. I couldn't even understand what some of the people were saying. We wanted to put on subtitles at one point until we realized they really were speaking English.
I love literature and respect the classics, but if you are going to make a movie from something classic you either have to do a blow out job at it or you have to re-invent it into your own vision. (this from the person who thought Romeo and Juliet was the most painful movie she had ever sat through. The one with Leonardo that is.) Still, if it wasn't going to be spectacular they could have just done a real movie with crusty old actors as it should have been.
So that is my opinion. Don't buy it, rent it, order it, borrow it, or even waste your time watching the commercial that makes it look awesome. It will leave you disappointed. :)
I love literature and respect the classics, but if you are going to make a movie from something classic you either have to do a blow out job at it or you have to re-invent it into your own vision. (this from the person who thought Romeo and Juliet was the most painful movie she had ever sat through. The one with Leonardo that is.) Still, if it wasn't going to be spectacular they could have just done a real movie with crusty old actors as it should have been.
So that is my opinion. Don't buy it, rent it, order it, borrow it, or even waste your time watching the commercial that makes it look awesome. It will leave you disappointed. :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Big Freakin' TV

So I may regret spending our tax money on a huge TV, but maybe I wont LOL...
37 inches of viewing pleasure. Now Jerry just needs to figure out how to mount the thing to the wall :) Whooo Hoooo
Guess we have the wrong wall mount which is typical so I can't watch it tonight. BUMMER! But it's here ... WHOOO HOOOO.
I love the smell of Guns N Roses in the morning
Just a little something for Jerry and Rick to enjoy. Just imagine if you were a few years younger this could be you guys. :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Rockin Out A Little
I haven't played my guitar in a month. Bad bad girl!!!! So since Jerry had to work today (yucky) I drug it out and learned a couple of songs. You get rusty real quick if you don't play a lot. I know I was playing for a couple of hours every day there for a while. And learning a new song every week. I guess I have to get back into the habit. I miss music. I just go through cycles of playing and not playing. :) Anyway it cheered me up since I was having a pretty dull day.
The moon, my hormones, stress, the family coming from FL, Bills, the weather. WTF. Nuff said about that LOL
Well, it's already 7. Guess I need to figure out what I am having for dinner.
Short and Sweet today.
The moon, my hormones, stress, the family coming from FL, Bills, the weather. WTF. Nuff said about that LOL
Well, it's already 7. Guess I need to figure out what I am having for dinner.
Short and Sweet today.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Boring Day
Zack is with his aunt today. I am lost. I thought I would like the time alone, but it just makes me think I should do something. I honestly don't want to do a damn thing. Sigh...That is me for you.
Finished Duma Key yesterday. I had been putting off the last 200 pages for a week or so. It was a great book. As always full of tragedy and a little spooky horror. I enjoyed it very much and hate to see it end. I will have to find a new book to read. I am not sure what I am looking to read right now. Perhaps I will hit the library or something.
Only a few more days until the Family gets here and there is still a lot to do. I suppose if it doesn't get done I will have to live with it. I have a very long list. I think my main concern really should be cleaning. GOD this place is grubby. I hate to clean but I love a clean house :)
Well I am off to maybe do something productive besides watch TV and fold laundry. I have to say I am ready to get back to work. Even though I really only have a few days I can work next week it will be nice to get out of the house that I have been stuck in for almost 2 weeks straight. How I managed to do this for 4 years I have no idea. I must have been so BORED!
Finished Duma Key yesterday. I had been putting off the last 200 pages for a week or so. It was a great book. As always full of tragedy and a little spooky horror. I enjoyed it very much and hate to see it end. I will have to find a new book to read. I am not sure what I am looking to read right now. Perhaps I will hit the library or something.
Only a few more days until the Family gets here and there is still a lot to do. I suppose if it doesn't get done I will have to live with it. I have a very long list. I think my main concern really should be cleaning. GOD this place is grubby. I hate to clean but I love a clean house :)
Well I am off to maybe do something productive besides watch TV and fold laundry. I have to say I am ready to get back to work. Even though I really only have a few days I can work next week it will be nice to get out of the house that I have been stuck in for almost 2 weeks straight. How I managed to do this for 4 years I have no idea. I must have been so BORED!
Monday, February 18, 2008
School Break (does it suck?)
First day home with Zack. He is bored out of his mind already. We had a friend over for a few hours. I was hoping that his friend would have Zack over there, but I find it doesn't work that way. Some people can't stand a messy house LOL....I am not one of them I suppose. It bugs me yes, but I am not going to go nuts trying to entertain my kid just because my house is going to get messy if someone comes over..........Rant? Kinda LOL.......
Zack borrowed some games and he is really enjoying them. We may have to buy that SIMS game because he loves it. I even got drawn into it myself.
CHUCK AND LARRY....OMG what a totally funny movie. There were points where I just about peed my pants. I love Adam Sandler!
Tried my hand at some country artsy fartsy stuff. I made a big sign for my dining room. It is OK. I am happy with it. It is very simple but over all I think it's what I was looking for. I am going to make something out of these old windows I have in the barn too. We will see. I knew Colleen used some cool windows as picture frames and I had thought of doing that at one point before, but these just might be the frames hung up. We will see. I bought a couple of tin stars and have those up and Jerry and I both love them. They look great. I will need to take some pictures of some of my stuff soon. I can't find my camera LOL...
Well off to make dinner. NOT sure what it will be but the boys will eat anything I make....I am lucky that way. :)
Zack borrowed some games and he is really enjoying them. We may have to buy that SIMS game because he loves it. I even got drawn into it myself.
CHUCK AND LARRY....OMG what a totally funny movie. There were points where I just about peed my pants. I love Adam Sandler!
Tried my hand at some country artsy fartsy stuff. I made a big sign for my dining room. It is OK. I am happy with it. It is very simple but over all I think it's what I was looking for. I am going to make something out of these old windows I have in the barn too. We will see. I knew Colleen used some cool windows as picture frames and I had thought of doing that at one point before, but these just might be the frames hung up. We will see. I bought a couple of tin stars and have those up and Jerry and I both love them. They look great. I will need to take some pictures of some of my stuff soon. I can't find my camera LOL...
Well off to make dinner. NOT sure what it will be but the boys will eat anything I make....I am lucky that way. :)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A Good Saturday
I had an awesome day yesterday. First my sister came over to visit. I always love to see her. She watched me paint a little and we just had fun. My house is coming along really good. I have most of the new paint up and it is looking pretty nice. Once I actually get some things done I will take some pictures. We had bought all this trim and supplies back probably a year ago and it has all been out in the barn. Now...Most of it is up on the wall etc. It makes me happy. We are by no means skilled construction people and there are a lot of flaws, but after going so long with your house torn apart it is just nice to see some of it finished. Our big project for down stairs is putting up the wall between the living room and office area. We had to take the wall out before so we could run a support beam across the house. Now we have to wall it in. It is just one of those things that is going to be a pain in the ass. ANYWHO......
We went to Rick and Colleens last night. Colleen had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to Pee! Over all it was a totally awesome night of guitar hero, a little gossip, and a lot of reminiscing. I love her new Den. It came out great. I would love to get a TV like theirs. I think it is on our list of things we want. It would be awesome. We will have to see how it goes.
Well Off to drink lots of coffee and wake up. Didn't want to get out of bed this morning but it was bound to happen sometime.
We went to Rick and Colleens last night. Colleen had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to Pee! Over all it was a totally awesome night of guitar hero, a little gossip, and a lot of reminiscing. I love her new Den. It came out great. I would love to get a TV like theirs. I think it is on our list of things we want. It would be awesome. We will have to see how it goes.
Well Off to drink lots of coffee and wake up. Didn't want to get out of bed this morning but it was bound to happen sometime.
Friday, February 15, 2008
At Home And Feeling Good
Jerry and I had the day together. I am sure he didn't expect it to be one of grocery shopping and cleaning the house. :) He's a good guy though and loaded the dishwasher and cleaned out the fridge (which is a scary job around here) I ended up getting a call from my Uncle and Florida that lasted over an hour so he had to put up with that. Now the day is mostly done and I feel I owe him so romance later on :)
It's been a rough couple of weeks. I have been working on my house to get it ready for when the family gets here. It is coming along. We procrastinate a lot here so things don't always get done when they should. You know like waiting a year before checking out the lines that run to my dishwasher because it didn't work. Turns out turning the water on makes it work?? Who knew. If you have ever been in my basement you would understand why I don't go there unless I have to .... CREEPY!
So on top of stress about my family coming up I find out that My sister and her husband are splitting up. She doesn't want it and I have been heart broken for her. I worry a lot about her and her girls. Part of me is angry with him for doing this, and part of me is sad because I loved him very much and am disappointed that this is what he chose to do. Anyway, that is where I have been.
Valentines day was nice for me. I got a beautiful homemade valentine from Zack and some poetry and drawings from Jerry .... along with some chocolate. After this many years I don't need jewelery I would never wear or 5 pounds of chocolate that I would eat and then feel bad about. Just like to know I am special, but I want that everyday .... who doesn't right?
Well, I am off to finally take a shower and figure out what to make us for lunch. Later all~
It's been a rough couple of weeks. I have been working on my house to get it ready for when the family gets here. It is coming along. We procrastinate a lot here so things don't always get done when they should. You know like waiting a year before checking out the lines that run to my dishwasher because it didn't work. Turns out turning the water on makes it work?? Who knew. If you have ever been in my basement you would understand why I don't go there unless I have to .... CREEPY!
So on top of stress about my family coming up I find out that My sister and her husband are splitting up. She doesn't want it and I have been heart broken for her. I worry a lot about her and her girls. Part of me is angry with him for doing this, and part of me is sad because I loved him very much and am disappointed that this is what he chose to do. Anyway, that is where I have been.
Valentines day was nice for me. I got a beautiful homemade valentine from Zack and some poetry and drawings from Jerry .... along with some chocolate. After this many years I don't need jewelery I would never wear or 5 pounds of chocolate that I would eat and then feel bad about. Just like to know I am special, but I want that everyday .... who doesn't right?
Well, I am off to finally take a shower and figure out what to make us for lunch. Later all~
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Has It Really Been 10 Days?
I guess I don't blog much anymore. Is it because I am a boring person? YES! LOL...
This week has been a long one. I have not been able to work because Jerry has the truck so I am here in the house...Just me and the dog. AHHHHHH! I have been working on the house a little. It is going to look pretty nice when I am done. I am kinda pissed because the wallpaper border I put up in my bathroom completely fell off. Slowly! Over the course of three days. I am going to try some different paste and see if it will stay up. I really like it. It is one of those I shouldn't have bought it when I saw it at Marden's kinda things. After reading Colleen's blog I headed over there. I did manage to pick up this sweet little thing for 10 bucks. It's a spa radio that plays sounds from nature like Waves, and Rain, and Crickets. You know Jerry and I are grooving on it. It is so relaxing and I notice I am sleeping so good because of it.
American Idol rocked last night. I love it when people cry I guess LOL. I am worried about one kid on there. He was a little on the edge of crazy! He was living in his car when he auditioned. Jerry and I were honestly expecting to see him take out a gun and shoot himself right there on the stage he was so upset about not making it. Maybe that is what Simon thought too. He wanted the blood shed to be on the street not on the stage :) There are a lot of good singers this year. I don't know who I want to win just yet. I have 7 that I am really going to be watching to see who shines. Who knows I might even vote this year :)
Well, I am off to clean up and maybe write a little. I have been working on a cheesy romance kinda story and have almost 80 pages of it done so far. I am really excited because it is something I have always wanted to do (Write a novel that is) Shrug...who knows...I might finish something.
Later and be safe on the roads they suck!
This week has been a long one. I have not been able to work because Jerry has the truck so I am here in the house...Just me and the dog. AHHHHHH! I have been working on the house a little. It is going to look pretty nice when I am done. I am kinda pissed because the wallpaper border I put up in my bathroom completely fell off. Slowly! Over the course of three days. I am going to try some different paste and see if it will stay up. I really like it. It is one of those I shouldn't have bought it when I saw it at Marden's kinda things. After reading Colleen's blog I headed over there. I did manage to pick up this sweet little thing for 10 bucks. It's a spa radio that plays sounds from nature like Waves, and Rain, and Crickets. You know Jerry and I are grooving on it. It is so relaxing and I notice I am sleeping so good because of it.
American Idol rocked last night. I love it when people cry I guess LOL. I am worried about one kid on there. He was a little on the edge of crazy! He was living in his car when he auditioned. Jerry and I were honestly expecting to see him take out a gun and shoot himself right there on the stage he was so upset about not making it. Maybe that is what Simon thought too. He wanted the blood shed to be on the street not on the stage :) There are a lot of good singers this year. I don't know who I want to win just yet. I have 7 that I am really going to be watching to see who shines. Who knows I might even vote this year :)
Well, I am off to clean up and maybe write a little. I have been working on a cheesy romance kinda story and have almost 80 pages of it done so far. I am really excited because it is something I have always wanted to do (Write a novel that is) Shrug...who knows...I might finish something.
Later and be safe on the roads they suck!
Monday, February 4, 2008
THEY LOST????!!!!
I can't believe they lost? Well I can I watched it. The Giants just played a good game. Now I am usually one to just bad mouth the other team, but I have to admit that the Giants played like they were in the MF superbowl. I don't know what was up with the letting Brady get sacked time and time again. The only time in that game that I thought I saw a glimmer of an amazing team was the 3rd quarter when Moss was catching the ball. I was wondering where to hell he had been all night? OK that is all I want to say about it. Other than they should have gone for the field goal that one time in the second. They should kick themselves in the ass for that one too. Alright.....enough... :)
Well Jerry got on a plane and headed to South Carolina yesterday. He will be gone until Thursday. I miss him like crazy already. My boss is in Jamaica for the week too. So I am going to be bat shit lonely by the end of the week with no grown-up conversation. Plus I would love to have some warm weather. Oh well. The week will go fast. I have a lot of work to do around here before the Fam gets here. Jerry finished up most of the wood work on my cabinets now they just need stain and they will look good. He did a good job. He doesn't like woodworking. His dad and brother are really good at it but he claims to have never got the gene to do it. I think it is in there somewhere. He just perhaps didn't get the patience to do it. :)
Alright off I go to get ready for work. Later~
Well Jerry got on a plane and headed to South Carolina yesterday. He will be gone until Thursday. I miss him like crazy already. My boss is in Jamaica for the week too. So I am going to be bat shit lonely by the end of the week with no grown-up conversation. Plus I would love to have some warm weather. Oh well. The week will go fast. I have a lot of work to do around here before the Fam gets here. Jerry finished up most of the wood work on my cabinets now they just need stain and they will look good. He did a good job. He doesn't like woodworking. His dad and brother are really good at it but he claims to have never got the gene to do it. I think it is in there somewhere. He just perhaps didn't get the patience to do it. :)
Alright off I go to get ready for work. Later~
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