Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Top Ten Things That Piss Me Off This Week So Far

1. People who ride your ass in construction then try and pass you right before the lanes merge into one, and or, the asshole who screams down the lane that is closing and thinks that you are going to just let him in front of you like he deserves it.

2. People who think the middle lane by the Hampden School Zone is a Passing Lane. Yes it always works out so great. Scream by me because I'm doing 15 in a school zone and almost hit the damn kids in the cross walk. Good for you.

3. People who beep and throw a fit when you are sitting at a light that says NO TURN ON RED. Hello, read the sign. Leave me alone.

4. People who cut in line and act like you hadn't been standing there with your stuff ready to check out. Apparently they are much more important than I.

5. Parents who let their kids walk all over them and throw tantrums at stores. My mother would have blistered my ass if I made a scene. Now a days parents try to reason with their kids. We all know it's not going to work. You don't reason with kids you teach them to listen and respect you and if they do they earn respect back. That's old school but it beats the brat telling his mother off at Walmart ... I was gonna offer to slap that kid for the woman.

6. Wells Fargo. I hate the company and as soon as I pay off my loan I am never dealing with them again. They called me 100 times last week. I have a record and they fall into this gray area so it's not harassment.

7. Being told about a homework assignment that requires several items that I don't have the night before it's due.

8. My Ex-Brother In Law.... For so many reasons but this week he is threatening to take the plates off of my sister's car because he wont help her get it re-register.

9. I bit my tongue and now I have one taste bud that hurts like hell and it's driving me nuts.

10. People who are protesting against the president and think he is doing a shitty job. Where were all the protesters when the bush administration was running our country into the ground. I cringe at the thoughts of McCain and what he would have done to the country had he been elected.......

So that is what has frustrated me this week so far. I am very concerned that people just can't drive anymore. Drink your coffee, talk on the cell phone, read a book, just don't do it while your driving....



Artistically Twisted said...

"FUCK" works for all but 7 and 9... To be honest it kinda fits 9 because after it happens you will wanna yell it.

Nicole said...


Rick Jordan said...

Very nice list! I like them all!