So, what has been going on with me? Jesus what hasn't? My sister's truck broke down a little bit after Christmas....Turns out the engine is completely Seized.... The guy has no idea why a 2003 engine in good shape likes hers would do that. He found red crystals in the cylinder which don't belong there but he can't explain them...Someone has mentioned Iodine in the gas tank...I don't know anyone who would want to ruin my sister's truck...WHO KNOWS...My point is really that I have been trying to (well Jerry does the early morning shift) run everyone around in our old ass Volvo which is not made to run like that. It was supposed to be a fluff car to drive to the school and back...It can't take the abuse and subsequently pretty much shit out most of it's functionalism. No heat...(oh that's great when its below zero) The break lights work sometimes, sometimes not, the power steering went and Jerry fixed that...Jesus the list goes on but I don't want to depress myself. I got pulled over today...Only got a warning but I never want to get pulled over again.
Julie....Is there a happy ending to this story? Yep............I'm getting a new car WHOO HOOO...well it's a 2006 but new to me. Low miles etc. Also Mindy got a great settlement in her divorce so she will most likely be able to come up with the money to fix her truck (2200 yikes!!!) :) So if you see the orangecrush mobile running down the road and wonder who to hell would drive that thing...yep it's us :)

Sweet ride! That sucks about Mindy's car! Glad to see you blogging again and can't wait to see you guys on Saturday! Getting pulled over truly sucks! I used to enjoy it but not so much anymore!
Congrats on the new car! what a relief it will be to drive around knowing everything is going to work right!
You got that right Colleen. I hate to have a payment but sometimes you have to be "grown-up" So if you know anyone who wants to frig around with an old Volvo it has new tires, battery,exhaust, power steering line and we'll even throw in the oil filter and spark plugs we never got around to putting in. It just needs the heating fuse rewired or some shit like that....$1000 or best offer. the stereo in it is worth a few hundred at that LOL..Just don't want to work on it any more!
Yeeeah I was tired of Julie constantly working on that Volvo too!
It seemed like every time I turned around I was all like "Baby stop workin' on that DAMN Volvo"
But seriously I am happy to have a New[er] car.
I hear ya rick... pulled over these days isn't fun... just anoying.
Yeah well I might not have had to do the work myself but I had to be supportive of your very (Let me put this delicately) Pissy Moods that you have been in. :) Wink!!!
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