Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is It Spring Yet?

This time of year sucks...I think I prefer MUD SEASON to this coldish, crappyish weather. I think there should be a law that says once the snow turns brown it needs to go! Maybe it's just me. I am ready to BBQ. Ready to sit on the porch and feel the sun on my skin. Ready to move to a warmer state LOL......

The guys are feeling better today. 4 solid days of misery for them. I feel bad. I didn't get it though and for that I am grateful. I have been pumping the vitamins to myself so I think that has helped me to not get sick.

On a side note...You know the great thing about having a new car...You can go places and not be worried about breaking down and all that. The bad thing is...Between the down payment, and up coming car payments and increased insurance...I can't afford the gas to go anywhere LOL...Life's a bitch that way. So we are back to being poor. It was a nice run while it lasted. I suppose were not really poor. We just don't have any cash :) Time will correct that I am sure.

Well off to make coffee and all that great morning stuff.

1 comment:

Rick Jordan said...

Glad everyone is feeling better! Hope to see you guys on Saturday!