Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Is So GAY

Have you seen this?


Now let my rant begin.....When I say something is so gay! I really mean it :) It's Gay. But since there is an ad now I am going to be socially ostracized for it. So I have decided from now on anything that was once "gay" will be "gaytastic" How can that hurt anyones feelings...Or I can switch to QUEER. Since Queer does mean odd and out of place and when I used to say something was gay...I suppose proper English would require the word queer instead. I need to know though...If you are a meat gazer you're still gay right? :)

Now I will be working on my own add to remove the stigma from such words as Douche bag...When you say douche bag do you mean it? It's a refreshing and cleaning experience....Not a bad word. OR when you call someone a Bitch. Really come on people. You offend all of dog kind there. They can't speak up against such things.

All I have to say is....Stop being so Gay and I wouldn't have to point it out. :)


Anonymous said...

I've been hearing that one for awhile now on the radio and while I completely agree with you... I must admit that I HAVE found myself telling Jessi to stop saying it so much and trying to catch myself from saying.

The commercial that REALLY bugs me right now is the Maine one about telling drinking stories in front of your kids and how drinking is NEVER fun. bitch please. I GUARANTEE that no kid goes out and gets drunk because their dad once told a funny story about getting drunk and falling in a pool. Or puking off a porch... or out of a moving car....

Julie said...

I think my biggest problem with it is simply it is the improper use of the word anyway. Gay means happy. There are so many other words out there that need commercials. Hateful ones. PC needs to decide where it begins and ends.

The drinking thing...Jesus...If I went by what my parents did I would never drink again LOL...Teach your kids to be responsible. Tell them what you expect from them up front and why. Teach them to respect others and to respect themselves and the world would be a better place...Cue the Coke song and the swaying hippies AMEN :)

Artistically Twisted said...

Just so you all know... Female meatgazers are NOT gay... but if there is some guy looking longingly at a lacquered head.... uuum... well.

Douche bag... oops I mean...