Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lucky I guess :)

So today I was suppose to do the "walk for the homeless" but it was cold and threatening to rain. I figured the walk was not as important as the donation I made and the raffle tickets I bought. They were giving away 3 big prizes two trips and a 42 inch plasma TV. I never win anything. Really. Last thing I won was back before Zack was born. (I don't even remember ever winning a few bucks on scratch tickets) Anyway I felt the 10 bucks was worth it for the homeless. At 12 this afternoon I got a call and was told that I won the 42 inch T.V. HOLY COW. Jerry went to go get it. It took a long time to get it set up too. It is huge. I feel happy that we got it. I also feel a little guilty cause we just bought a 36 inch LCD TV a couple months ago. For a while I debated whether we should try and return the 36 inch. Still not sure...and not sure that after this long they would take it back anyway. So it looks like I will have a 36 inch TV in my bedroom :)

On a much more boring note I have been reading a book Jerry bought about fengshui. So I set out this week to make some changes to the house. I bought tons of plants. Turns out they are good :) All I know is I really like the few changes we have made. To include the big ass used couch I found for 18 bucks at the salvation army. It is awesome. I had to scrub the shit out of it and clean it but wow is it cozy! Just the plants and moving the stuff I already had to the "right" places has changed my feelings about the house. I love it here. And I feel my luck has changed. You decide :)


Rick Jordan said...

Congratulations! How cool is that? I know all about the big HEAVY cozy couch you got! LOL

Colleen said...

WAY cool about the TV!!!!

Julie said...

Thank you! That couch was pretty gross :) It cleaned up good though. I am still not sure what to do with our old TV but it is so awesome to win something and that new TV is way cool.

Rick Jordan said...

I've never won anything that cool!

Nicole said...

I got an idea, you could do a raffle of your own with the people you know and you could donate more money to The homeless. Then when it is time to draw the tickets you could just "accidentally" pick my ticket!! Sounds like a perfect plan to me!! HEE HEE!

Julie said...

LOL....That's cute.

Nicole said...

That sounds like a "Cute.......nice try, that isn't gonna happen".
I think it is the perfect solution to your problem!! LOL!