Though from the outside my house looks painfully unfinished I got so much done this week. Sigh. Two coats of paint on the lower half of the house. Now I just need help with all the high parts. Ladders and I don't really gel well. So I think someone else will be doing that.
I am very happy because the seeds I planted weeks ago are coming up. And to my surprise some things I planted last year re-seeded and are coming up. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Another couple of weeks and it should be more visible. I am enjoying my garden so much this year. It is so exciting watching things grow and change every day. My lilies doubled in size over night. It is awesome. Now if I can keep those red beetles from eating them this year. I wasn't sure what they were called. I dusted them with Japanese beetle stuff. Turns out the beetles eating my lilies are called.....Red Lily Beetles. I probably should have known that LOL...I just read they are hard to kill and the best way to get rid of them is to pick them off the plants by hand and crush them. FUN! Gives me the shivers just thinking about it LOL...
Alright, I realize I am getting to the "snore" level of my blog so I will sign off. Later~
1 comment:
I take a shotgun out and shoot them off my lilies! Oh wait, I don't have any! LOL! Good think, I would low them to bits shooting beetles off them! Interesting blog!
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