Well it's been such a long time since I have blogged i think I almost forgot how to do it. Since my threads on face book get longer and longer I must have a lot to say?
Life is once again going a hundred miles an hour. Kids...school...Jerry. I am running all the time. The great thing this year is that I have a child old enough to take care of himself finally. I resist my temptations to get up and nag him to get things done. He wakes me up at 6:30-7 and I hang with him for a bit before the bus comes. I'm so proud of him. He has already gotten praise in school for doing his work and being pleasant.
It's been amazing to me to see how much he has grown. From a boy that I thought was going to slip through the cracks to an honor roll student. Do I take the credit? definitely not all of it. Jerry is here now (so Rick get's some credit for getting Jerry out of that rat hole job he had in Portland) Having Jerry around has made things so much nicer. The biggest amount of credit goes to Zack himself though. He works really hard at school even when we have told him to "just do your best" He always surprises me. I have spent years worried that, him being diagnosed with Aspergers was going to mean he would never be able to be "normal" Zack is proof that when everyone works together, school, family, Dr. you can make the most out of a hard situation. We never backed down and we got him the help he needed. He still struggles to write. He always will. He will always have to slow down and read things a couple of times before he gets it. But giving him support and confidence has helped him over come the hardest things.
OK that is really all I wanted to talk about. I needed to take a break from my crazy busy day of Sam's club and grocery shopping...My head is pounding so I am going to take some tylenol and put my feet up. Later~
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Top Ten Things That Piss Me Off This Week So Far
1. People who ride your ass in construction then try and pass you right before the lanes merge into one, and or, the asshole who screams down the lane that is closing and thinks that you are going to just let him in front of you like he deserves it.
2. People who think the middle lane by the Hampden School Zone is a Passing Lane. Yes it always works out so great. Scream by me because I'm doing 15 in a school zone and almost hit the damn kids in the cross walk. Good for you.
3. People who beep and throw a fit when you are sitting at a light that says NO TURN ON RED. Hello, read the sign. Leave me alone.
4. People who cut in line and act like you hadn't been standing there with your stuff ready to check out. Apparently they are much more important than I.
5. Parents who let their kids walk all over them and throw tantrums at stores. My mother would have blistered my ass if I made a scene. Now a days parents try to reason with their kids. We all know it's not going to work. You don't reason with kids you teach them to listen and respect you and if they do they earn respect back. That's old school but it beats the brat telling his mother off at Walmart ... I was gonna offer to slap that kid for the woman.
6. Wells Fargo. I hate the company and as soon as I pay off my loan I am never dealing with them again. They called me 100 times last week. I have a record and they fall into this gray area so it's not harassment.
7. Being told about a homework assignment that requires several items that I don't have the night before it's due.
8. My Ex-Brother In Law.... For so many reasons but this week he is threatening to take the plates off of my sister's car because he wont help her get it re-register.
9. I bit my tongue and now I have one taste bud that hurts like hell and it's driving me nuts.
10. People who are protesting against the president and think he is doing a shitty job. Where were all the protesters when the bush administration was running our country into the ground. I cringe at the thoughts of McCain and what he would have done to the country had he been elected.......
So that is what has frustrated me this week so far. I am very concerned that people just can't drive anymore. Drink your coffee, talk on the cell phone, read a book, just don't do it while your driving....
2. People who think the middle lane by the Hampden School Zone is a Passing Lane. Yes it always works out so great. Scream by me because I'm doing 15 in a school zone and almost hit the damn kids in the cross walk. Good for you.
3. People who beep and throw a fit when you are sitting at a light that says NO TURN ON RED. Hello, read the sign. Leave me alone.
4. People who cut in line and act like you hadn't been standing there with your stuff ready to check out. Apparently they are much more important than I.
5. Parents who let their kids walk all over them and throw tantrums at stores. My mother would have blistered my ass if I made a scene. Now a days parents try to reason with their kids. We all know it's not going to work. You don't reason with kids you teach them to listen and respect you and if they do they earn respect back. That's old school but it beats the brat telling his mother off at Walmart ... I was gonna offer to slap that kid for the woman.
6. Wells Fargo. I hate the company and as soon as I pay off my loan I am never dealing with them again. They called me 100 times last week. I have a record and they fall into this gray area so it's not harassment.
7. Being told about a homework assignment that requires several items that I don't have the night before it's due.
8. My Ex-Brother In Law.... For so many reasons but this week he is threatening to take the plates off of my sister's car because he wont help her get it re-register.
9. I bit my tongue and now I have one taste bud that hurts like hell and it's driving me nuts.
10. People who are protesting against the president and think he is doing a shitty job. Where were all the protesters when the bush administration was running our country into the ground. I cringe at the thoughts of McCain and what he would have done to the country had he been elected.......
So that is what has frustrated me this week so far. I am very concerned that people just can't drive anymore. Drink your coffee, talk on the cell phone, read a book, just don't do it while your driving....
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Busy Day
Well I woke up to my Mother's Day celebration early. It was nice to get treated to breakfast. I love the Coffee Break Cafe for breakfast. It's one of the best I have ever had and it's right down the street. I could eat scrambled eggs and bacon 24/7.
After that we hit Lowes and Walmart. I got some Mother's Day mulch (I asked for it...It take a lot to cover my garden and I love the whole gardening thing...Plus we got some sheet rock to finish my bathroom wall.....And some more grout to work on my back splash tiles. Unfortunately I didn't get anything done today since we had my sister in laws kids show up and we hung out. My nephew is really into vampires and twilight books all of a sudden so him and I had a lot to talk about LOL... It was cool. I never get to be the cool Aunt. Usually the kids are so enamored with Jerry that I just hang in the back...but this was neat....
I made this really cool center piece for the food table for my prom party. A giant guitar...Woo Hoo. It came out pretty cool.
Well off to vedge out for a while. I'm way tired. Later~
After that we hit Lowes and Walmart. I got some Mother's Day mulch (I asked for it...It take a lot to cover my garden and I love the whole gardening thing...Plus we got some sheet rock to finish my bathroom wall.....And some more grout to work on my back splash tiles. Unfortunately I didn't get anything done today since we had my sister in laws kids show up and we hung out. My nephew is really into vampires and twilight books all of a sudden so him and I had a lot to talk about LOL... It was cool. I never get to be the cool Aunt. Usually the kids are so enamored with Jerry that I just hang in the back...but this was neat....
I made this really cool center piece for the food table for my prom party. A giant guitar...Woo Hoo. It came out pretty cool.
Well off to vedge out for a while. I'm way tired. Later~
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I love May. It's my favorite month aside from October. The bugs aren't bad yet. My flowers are coming up. It's cool enough to work outside without over heating. We've gotten a lot done on our house. I don't think I will get it all done before my Grandmother gets here on the 29th but I will get as much as possible done.
I tried my hand at grouting. It's hard to do but not that bad. It came out nice. I still need way more grout to finish up my kitchen, and I went with a more calming shade of green since the teal color was a bit "BRIGHT" Zack picked it out and it turns out he really wanted that color for his room to go with the florescent green trim he has... The kitchen is now a money green and its purdy....
So...Gonna have a long weekend away next week. Nothing says mother's day like driving down and staying in a 3 star hotel then going to see Dane Cook... I'm way excited about it. I didn't get the 69.00 dollar room that was available last week but I did get a nice King Size room for 99 bucks. Loves the Priceline. Wish I had gotten paid last week though. Oh well it's only 30 bucks and to have a king size bed is going to be nice...
Let's see lots going on this month. DON'T FORGET the 80's PROM. I have at least 30 people coming. I am going nuts. I am so excited. I have been sewing up a storm fixing up suits and dress and even a kilt! WooHoo... I haven't done this much quality sewing since Home Ec Class in High School. I've really out done myself this time I think and if I can get the balloon arches and columns to come out like I practiced then it's going to be prettier than my Real prom was...If not it's still going to be a hell of a good time.
I'll leave you with this...."Ratt is an awesome band" :)~
I tried my hand at grouting. It's hard to do but not that bad. It came out nice. I still need way more grout to finish up my kitchen, and I went with a more calming shade of green since the teal color was a bit "BRIGHT" Zack picked it out and it turns out he really wanted that color for his room to go with the florescent green trim he has... The kitchen is now a money green and its purdy....
So...Gonna have a long weekend away next week. Nothing says mother's day like driving down and staying in a 3 star hotel then going to see Dane Cook... I'm way excited about it. I didn't get the 69.00 dollar room that was available last week but I did get a nice King Size room for 99 bucks. Loves the Priceline. Wish I had gotten paid last week though. Oh well it's only 30 bucks and to have a king size bed is going to be nice...
Let's see lots going on this month. DON'T FORGET the 80's PROM. I have at least 30 people coming. I am going nuts. I am so excited. I have been sewing up a storm fixing up suits and dress and even a kilt! WooHoo... I haven't done this much quality sewing since Home Ec Class in High School. I've really out done myself this time I think and if I can get the balloon arches and columns to come out like I practiced then it's going to be prettier than my Real prom was...If not it's still going to be a hell of a good time.
I'll leave you with this...."Ratt is an awesome band" :)~

Friday, April 10, 2009
I think it's a full moon......That would explain so much... Maybe it's just Friday and Firday ROCKS!
I haven't blogged in so long. I spend my time on FB and I am ashamed at how I am addicted to that Yoville game.....There has been talk of buying a YoHouse....It's not right and I know it...BUT try and stop me now SUCKAS.... LOL...
Jerry has taken to FB like a Whore to a bus full of Marines....(Yes you can quote me if you need to) I think it is funny that the guy who said he doesn't like those cheesy tests etc...has taken every damn one he can get. He's so cute! :) Apparently he would be the guy to know should the Zombies attack!
I have been working on the 80's Prom! This is going to be the Shit! People are so excited. I lent out my actual prom dress to my cousin's wife...She is the only person I know who is a size 4 and can fit in it...Can you believe I was a size 4??? Ya the days of being 95 pounds are long past...I console myself with my B cups....(since I never had any boobs..and just having some is damn awesome.... :) ) ANYWAY...I'm helping my friend Karen combine a couple dresses she found into one...I totally 80ed out the dress I bought and got the cropped jean jacket to wear over it...The only thing left to think about aside from where everything will go is what to make for food...Any ideas would be good...I have access to the kitchen but would like to keep it all cold foods or crockpot kinda stuff so I don't have to be heating stuff up...Also if anyone want to help decorate I could use some prom committee crew...
Well I am off to work on the 80's trivia for the party.
Later All~
I think it's a full moon......That would explain so much... Maybe it's just Friday and Firday ROCKS!
I haven't blogged in so long. I spend my time on FB and I am ashamed at how I am addicted to that Yoville game.....There has been talk of buying a YoHouse....It's not right and I know it...BUT try and stop me now SUCKAS.... LOL...
Jerry has taken to FB like a Whore to a bus full of Marines....(Yes you can quote me if you need to) I think it is funny that the guy who said he doesn't like those cheesy tests etc...has taken every damn one he can get. He's so cute! :) Apparently he would be the guy to know should the Zombies attack!
I have been working on the 80's Prom! This is going to be the Shit! People are so excited. I lent out my actual prom dress to my cousin's wife...She is the only person I know who is a size 4 and can fit in it...Can you believe I was a size 4??? Ya the days of being 95 pounds are long past...I console myself with my B cups....(since I never had any boobs..and just having some is damn awesome.... :) ) ANYWAY...I'm helping my friend Karen combine a couple dresses she found into one...I totally 80ed out the dress I bought and got the cropped jean jacket to wear over it...The only thing left to think about aside from where everything will go is what to make for food...Any ideas would be good...I have access to the kitchen but would like to keep it all cold foods or crockpot kinda stuff so I don't have to be heating stuff up...Also if anyone want to help decorate I could use some prom committee crew...
Well I am off to work on the 80's trivia for the party.
Later All~
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Anit Christ is here and his name is YoVille
Why...Why Why did someone invite me to YoVille...OMG I can't stay off that damn site. I think its lame and yet I am Rock Paper Scissoring my ass off for coins....WTF is up with that. I pimped out my pad. I'm addicted to gambling. I want to buy a dog? It's stupid and yet I love it. I find myself getting up early so I can get paid 3 times a day. It's like pablo's dog for Spammers. Let's throw them a coin or two and see if we can rape their personal information and sell it to everyone YEAH! I don't care. My computer is all full of Malware....It's worse than porn as far as how much spy ware and shit I now have on here. DAMN FACE BOOK Damn it to hell. O.K. Enough said I'm off to go Kiss Kristie back and race Rick! :) Smirk!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Face book
So I signed up for face book. I looked around made a few comments but so far I don't see what the big appeal is to it yet. I didn't see a space to blog. It's just little comments here and there. I guess I will just have to wait and see. I was looking at the tweeter thing too and I thought....Geesh that is just too much work and stress. I currently monitor 6 people in my family in their day to day lives why would I want to have to monitor everyone (Although I love the whole Tweet tweet thing :) I mean it would be cool to tweet someone famous. MY day was crazy thus far and busy...I am taking a few minutes to regroup and then I am off again to do the night rounds of picking everyone up. Hopefully mindy's truck is finished. It keeps getting moved. I'm gonna cross my fingers, toes, eyes, what ever it takes to get good luck.
well I am off to find something productive to do but I doubt I will find it. I know I am just going to end up on HULU watching House or whatever. Hell's kitchen is on tonight...GOD I love that F8ckin screaming Tw#t Chef Ramsey. He rocks. FMR's !!!!
well I am off to find something productive to do but I doubt I will find it. I know I am just going to end up on HULU watching House or whatever. Hell's kitchen is on tonight...GOD I love that F8ckin screaming Tw#t Chef Ramsey. He rocks. FMR's !!!!
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