I knew that would get your attention...That is the answer to "what have you been up to all week?'' Up to my neck in Dog piss. My sister's dog has issues LOL...I did get to buy myself a new carpet steam cleaner. It rocks. I have used it twice and have been very grossed out by the color of the water. I had an older one that I used to use. The water never came out that color. I guess I bought me a good one LOL....
Other than pee we have been trying to get my car ready for inspection. We knew when we bought it that we needed to put tires and an exhaust on. They carry all the parts at NAPA which rocks...Just I bought 4 out of the 5 pieces because one piece was perfectly good. Of course that is the piece that Jerry accidentally breaks when he is trying to put it all together. And you only break something like that on a Sunday at 3 in the afternoon... LOL So He is out grinding away on it right now trying to get it done before work. He's almost done. I really should be out there making sure he doesn't cut off a finger with that grinder....BUT...I don't want to witness it if it happens. As long as I hear the grinder going I know he is OK LOL
We had a nice family weekend. Just me and the boys. It's been a while since we could just all hang out and watch movies. My boy is taller than me now. He's growing so fast. Sometimes it blows my mind and I want to just say CUT IT OUT! It's hard going through these times and I know it will only get worse. He gets so moody. That's how I know he's my kid LOL...I was a moody teenager and I have been told by a few people I can be a bit moody for an adult...(Hmmm...Yeah I guess) LOL..So I am getting a taste of my own medicine. I love him to pieces and I hate to see him feel weird but it is what has to happen.
Well, the grinder stopped so I am going to check on Jerry.
AND remember November 21st Twilight comes out. Not sure I am going to battle every 12-18 year old goth girl in the greater bangor area to see the movie the day it comes out.....Maybe??? LOL
I heard about the exhaust fiasco! I hate exhaust! If it wasn't so expensive, I would cut it all off every time and go new! Nothing ever comes apart and goes back together right with exhaust! Tell your old man I need a new blog from him!
Yeah Jerry has been crazy busy and hasn't written much.
He did end up with a whole new exhaust. :) It sounds good now though!
OMG... those dogs would be dead by now if they were here!
Sounds like a nice quiet weekend, we had one of those too and watched "The Strangers" ...it was good and FREAKY!
Yeah, I am with Colleen on the whole dog thing!
We too had a nice quiet weekend, hanging out at home!
They are out of here TOMORROW YEAH!!!
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