That title doesn't sound good LOL....
SO, my sister is now moved into her own place. Took two days of moving and putting things together. She is settling in. Jerry and I are achy and feeling crappy after being out in the rain lugging heavy shit for days. Jerry got the worst of it since he had to move the 3 ton Hide-a-bed couch she has. If she moves again that couch is going out in pieces ...
Wouldn't you know it...her little brat dogs are so happy there that they don't hardly bark and they haven't peed or pooped on "her" carpet. JOY! Truth be told I liked the tiny one...But I am so glad they are gone. It is so quiet here today. It took me most of the day today to clean up the wreckage.
My animals are not any better. The cat is dying or something...he pukes about 4 times a day I swear to God...and my dog has found some foul smelling slimy black crap outside to roll in and I don't know how to get the smell off of her. I am beginning to hate animals.
I sure look forward to getting life back to normal if that is really such a thing!
Well I am off to pick Jerry up at work. He has a cold and he is sore and miserable. Poor guy.
That all sucks... except the part where you are getting your house back!!
...and I totally understand the "animal hate" I have my moments of that as well!!
I know how the poor guy feels! This cold is absolutely miserable! What a crappy day to move- rainy and wet and cold! I am glad things are back to normal- it can be very stressful having people in your house that you aren't used to having there! I am glad Mindy has her own place though! Sorry about the couch! Sounds like a real pain in the butt!
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