Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sex Education

Let me just start right out by saying that we are AWFUL parents. OK that being said here it goes. I was searching the internet looking for some basic sex education clips for Jerry so he can have the "big" talk with Zack. (I know we should have done this a while back ago. I have tried but all I managed to do is cause Zack to freak out. Therefore I have left it in Jerry's hands (so to speak) to get 'er done.) Anyway whilst searching I stumbled across this clip and had to post it. It is just too damn funny. And remember your hostess cupcakes!


Rick Jordan said...

THAT is funny! Good luck, Jerry! Not sure how I will be on that conversation! Got to love old clips like that!

Julie said...

I know the post coitus cupcakes and twinkies sound good LOL....

Yeah the sex ed stuff is a hard one. I thought I would be much better at it. BUT I just end up scaring Zack more than teaching him LOL.

Colleen said...

LOL... that is funny :)

And can I suggest that there is no "big talk"? Much better to catch little 'teaching moments' and have little chats now and then, less embarrassing for everyone. Also another technique I have read, and use is to talk about stuff while in the car because there is no eye contact and less embarrassment :)

Rick Jordan said...

Good points, Honey! You are pretty smart! Love you!

Julie said...

Yeah Jerry did the talk in the car. It was easier. I wish situations or questions had come up because that is how I wanted to deal with it. A little at a time. Zack just never has had an questions. :) My mom was much better at those things than I am. She had me very well prepared. I do have to give her that.