Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween PARTY???? ANYone??

So I was talking to Colleen and we decided we needed to party Saturday. We shall call it a Halloween party because it legitimizes it somehow LOL......I have decorations! Yeah! So I think we are planning to do this at Rick and Colleens house since they have the room. I would say they have a few less dogs in their house than I do but.....ROFLMAO I have two little ones here along with Karma and it's constant barking and peeing LOL... I will talk with Jerry and make the final plans tonight then details to follow tomorrow. Colleen didn't think anyone would wear a costume.............I must come up with a prize that will entice even the most reserved come up with something.... :)



Rick Jordan said...

I am looking forward to it! We have such a good time when everyone comes over and we even got rid of the kids for the night!

Colleen said...

I too am very excited! I will NOT be low-carbing that night!!!! We all need a little cheat now and then, right? ;)

Good luck coming up with a prize to entice ME into a costume!!! LOL!

Julie said...

Ooooo no kids I might have to work on something. Not sure if I can. I'll talk to Jerry.

Nicole said...

Uhm.....reserved in this crowd????

I don't know if anyone in this crowd knows what that really means!!

Julie said...

Hope not because Jerry and I have some really good costumes !!!!