Thursday, July 17, 2008

Things.....Part Deux

1. fire alarms should only be used in case of emergency....Like if you don't want to go to class that day.

2. Two guys can "live" in a Ford Mustang.

3. You can bounce and vomit at the same time...(and still look sexy)

4. The ability to pick locks can sometimes be passed down genetically to your offspring. (Zack picked his first lock at 3 with a paper clip.)

5. A mag light and a dark room...You have a nice light show LOL (See the except from a blog I posted at the bottom...You all will get a kick out of it)

6. Watching streaming porn on your newly connected DSL connection can literally melt your lap top. AND though Jerry doesn't like it when you melt his lap top....He was pretty cool about it (the first time) :)

7. MRE's are great as long as you don't eat too many of the crackers.

8. Babies don't like camping. (that one is self explanatory I think)

9. Praying before you get on the Autobahn is always a good idea if Jerry is driving. I also learned that 190k is really friggin fast. (120+ MPH)

10. Never get a tattoo from someone drunker than you.

O.K. I was looking up some medical questions on one of the WebMD sites...And I stumbled across this heart felt thread ....

I am 21 years old, and as far back as i can remember i have had one testicle bigger than the other, < left one is smaller than the right one>

Should i be worried ?
Because i have been sexualy active from a young age 12 or 13 i think, i dont have any pain or have any probblems getting and erection.

I am just worried would that affect me form having babies ?
for example -
have lazy sperm? low sperm count?? or firing blanks ??

Hope to hear from you soon
Thanx for your time.



What are the odds??????? Hmmmmm


Rick Jordan said...

NONE! He is as viral as a bull walrus! As Jerry says, his can swim in gravel, is impervious to heat up to 5000 degrees and has a shelf like longer than most canned food! LOL

Julie said...

Oooo canned food in the same thought as AJ's Sperm YUCK

Rick Jordan said...

As anyone who saw the game camera pics from the party knows, my balls are the same size! LOL

Julie said...


Rick Jordan said...

I'm a sick, twisted pervert! This I know! LOL