Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Jerry found me the book tucked away behind a bunch of stuff at WalMart for 6 bucks. So I promptly sat down and read the story. It is a short story of about 160 pages. I could not put it down...and even though the ending was not what I had hoped I thought...It could not have ended any other way. It was awesome. The book had several other short stories by Richard Matheson. Some I have liked others I am not so sure. You have to keep in mind he wrote these things in the 50's so it is all about what he thought the future would be like. I am glad thus far he was wrong. I was surprised to see he also wrote "What Dreams May Come" and "Stir Of Echoes" I do recommend the read if you have time. I look forward to the movie though I think it will differ from the book since the main character in the book is a tall blond guy of Nordic decent where as Will Smith well he aint LOL......But I do love Will Smith and I bet the movie will rock. I can't wait to see it. Now I just have to find some time to do it.

I have been busy...My boss is expecting a baby any minute now and he is on edge. He has sent me a bout a hundred emails in all events of emergencies and scenarios. It is very amusing to me. But hey that is how I became the indisposable assistant after all. I just calmly tell him I am working on it and he is good to go. :)

Well off to do something productive though I am not sure what as of yet.

Later J~


Julie said...

Oh yeah I just went on to www.iamledgend.com and the movie is a lot different than the book...but it looks Friggin' awesome.

Colleen said...

I love Will Smith!!!

Rick Jordan said...

I have been secretly thinking I would like to see it! Now that Colleen is on board, we should go!

Colleen said...

I don't even know what it's about... so I wouldn't say I was ON BOARD yet... I should probably at least see a trailer or something 1st.

Why are you 'secretly' wanting to see movies? Is it a chick flick? The sequel to Brokeback Mtn?

Rick Jordan said...

No, it is the sequel to Steel Magnolias! LOL

Julie said...

ROFLMAO you guys are so funny.