Jerry found me the book tucked away behind a bunch of stuff at WalMart for 6 bucks. So I promptly sat down and read the story. It is a short story of about 160 pages. I could not put it down...and even though the ending was not what I had hoped I thought...It could not have ended any other way. It was awesome. The book had several other short stories by Richard Matheson. Some I have liked others I am not so sure. You have to keep in mind he wrote these things in the 50's so it is all about what he thought the future would be like. I am glad thus far he was wrong. I was surprised to see he also wrote "What Dreams May Come" and "Stir Of Echoes" I do recommend the read if you have time. I look forward to the movie though I think it will differ from the book since the main character in the book is a tall blond guy of Nordic decent where as Will Smith well he aint LOL......But I do love Will Smith and I bet the movie will rock. I can't wait to see it. Now I just have to find some time to do it.
I have been busy...My boss is expecting a baby any minute now and he is on edge. He has sent me a bout a hundred emails in all events of emergencies and scenarios. It is very amusing to me. But hey that is how I became the indisposable assistant after all. I just calmly tell him I am working on it and he is good to go. :)
Well off to do something productive though I am not sure what as of yet.
Later J~
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Feeling Better

After all the commotion I think I wore myself right out. I slept most of the day away yesterday. I was feeling like a cold coming on. I still feel a little yucky, but much better than yesterday. Whew...I don't really want to be sick. I blame it all on the turkey LOL
So the poll is finished....Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer is the number one Christmas movie. I have it around here somewhere. I think I will watch it today. We watched The Santa Clause III last night. It was a really cute movie. I enjoyed the sappy goody good feelings it had. I am a big sap about Christmas. We also watched Shrek 3. That was way cute. I adore the scene where snow white sings the Immigrant Song and calls all the wild animals to fight for her. It is awesome for so many reasons...Mainly because there was this one time when I was really wasted and I made my sister sing it to me or else I would not go to sleep. She is awesome too because she did....Not many people would break into the Immigrant song for know LOL....
OK we are off to get some truck stuff. I think I might go to Walmart and get myself something....I shopped for everyone else....I want a toy... LOL....I am childish...but I really want some of my own toys LOL....I really want to get the book I Am Legend. I have picked it up 3-4 times over the last two years and put it back because it was like 14 dollars for a paperback. I am cheap I guess. I bet it is more now and it will be hard to find. I am not sure I want to battle the crowds at borders to get it. We will see. Just this time of year when it is dark early and cold I like to snuggle up on the couch with a blanket, book , and hot chocolate. Nothing beats it...(well.....almost nothing She winks at Jerry.....Grrrooowwww..) LOL Later~
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Alright.....I have done black Friday before...but never whole heartedly...You know I was there just walking around last time....This year...I had a mission. I had flyer's and lists and a plan. Of course once I hit toy r us that plan went to hell. I guess it never pays to get there 5 minutes after they open. That place was picked clean like a Thanksgiving Turkey. The Zoon's a mystical creation to get people to come to TRU...Only carrying 3 does not constitute adversing them on the front page like they had a ton of em. Anyway...I have to let that one go. I did get one of the 10 dollar jobbies purely by accident. See people are greedy and snatch up 10-12 things when they don't need them because they are on sale and they don't want anyone else to have one. Someone dropped on into a bin and when no one was looking It became mine LOL.....Over all I got what I wanted to get for Zack plus some extras. I ended up at old navy. They had an alright sale but last year they had all kinds of stuff on sale and I cleaned house there...but this year it was OK. I did get my niece and Nephews some fleece sets to sleep in. I still need to get something for Jessie and Sean though I am waiting to see if Jessie gets a guitar because I will get her some picks and fun stuff like that for it. Sean will be harder....I also need some stuff for a couple of Zack's friends but this is sickening...All my stuff is wrapped and under the tree.......Now I just sit back and relax until the big day Ahhhh Yes it was all worth it.
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Before I start the craziness of my day I just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you. It may not seem like it but one of the things I am thankful for is the last year I have spent having friends like all of you. !!! !!! We have had some really fun times. I look forward to the Christmas parties to come! I hope everyone has a wonderful day and doesn't eat so much that they are bloated and uncomfortable for shopping tomorrow! (or hunting...or watching kids) And if you are out and about tomorrow and see a purple Isuzu with Mindy and I in it say hi, but don't get in our way LOL...Actually I don't know what I want when I go out tomorrow. All the video games are the same price and that is pretty much all Zack has on his list.........But I am looking for those deals that I didn't even know I wanted until I get there! Target had some PJ pants on sale for 5 bucks and some Brats dolls for 10 I think I will start there.... :) Alright time to get my shit together and take a shower and get ready for the festivities to begin! God Bless All ! J~
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Whoopy Snow
Yeah well you can take the title as sarcastic or excitement. I actually enjoyed the little snow shower today. I think it is because the holidays are coming up and I just love snow around the holidays. I hope however this year is not like last where we don't get snow until April. That really did suck. I decided that Christmas was what I needed to cheer my ass up so the tree is up already. I know it is sickening aint it? I even have a few gifts bought.
I think I am going to do the BLACK FRIDAY thing this year. My sister is coming over and spending the night and we are taking off at 4 in the morning to hit Toy R US and Target....It should be crazy, but you know I have done it before and unless you are the type of person who likes to start fist fights over the last guitar hero in the store I will probably get along with you LOL....
Not much else to talk about today. I worked a lot and am a little burned out. I think I will write some poetry and then pop in the tub with some bubbles.....Yeah that sounds awesome. I am pretty happy to be able to sleep in tomorrow and the best part....Jerry took a few vacation days to spend with us so he will be snuggled in beside me.
I think I am going to do the BLACK FRIDAY thing this year. My sister is coming over and spending the night and we are taking off at 4 in the morning to hit Toy R US and Target....It should be crazy, but you know I have done it before and unless you are the type of person who likes to start fist fights over the last guitar hero in the store I will probably get along with you LOL....
Not much else to talk about today. I worked a lot and am a little burned out. I think I will write some poetry and then pop in the tub with some bubbles.....Yeah that sounds awesome. I am pretty happy to be able to sleep in tomorrow and the best part....Jerry took a few vacation days to spend with us so he will be snuggled in beside me.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The sun is shining and it is nice outside for a cold day. Still I would love to just crawl right back in bed and sleep for a few more hours. I am just worn out from everything going on. Here come the holidays and my mind keeps thinking about all the stuff we need to do and go and buy. I love Christmas don't get me wrong...but if I were wealthy I would have servants to take care of some of this shit. Nice now I am starting to sound like Jerry. LOL Until I have guitar hero in my hand I will worry about it. My mom sends here money next week for me to shop for Zack with so I am hoping I will be able to find one then. I know we are all looking forward to that. Not sure what I want for Christmas this year. There is a Twisted Roots CD at Bull Moose music I want and maybe a Yankee Candle that smells like one of those potpourri wafers that Nicole got me. Other than that...I just don't know. Usually I can whip up a big list for Jerry to take with him into the world, this year he might have to surprise me. I already know of two things I am getting for him. He is easy to shop for believe it or not. He has distinct habits and needs so (oh he already told me something he wants...but he wants that every day LOL) Anyway...I need to get Zack on the bus. More later. J~
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Starting Over
Now, everyone is wondering WTF is up with me? Yeah I get that a lot....Sometimes I get a little lost in this cyber- world, and it starts to freak me out. There gets to be too much of me on a screen somewhere and not enough here in real life. Well at least that is how I felt when I deleted all my stuff. I just wanted to start over. I can't go without a blog though. I have come to really need it. I have found that over the last week or so where I have not used it. I often think I scare people with the things I say. Talking about things that might be uncomfortable, but it does in the end make me feel better. Everyone deals with periods that are hard. Doesn't mean we can't talk about them. So I went a little Nutters....Well a lot Nutters....Got a little depressed for a while. It happens. They say if you think your crazy you are not................Whatever....Sometimes I don't think....I know LOL..................So, for those of you that worry about me I am fine...I feel a lot better that I have in a long time. And thank you for worrying....I was pretty worried this time myself. :)
On a much better note....Last night was so fun. I love guitar hero......I love spinach dip......I love laughing with friends and having a couple of drinks. I adore Sean's little dance....and then Jerry's....I love that my son thinks he can battle the devil at guitar hero and win the first time. He did a pretty damn good job...I bet it gets in the first day he has the game himself. I don't know if we will be able to keep it from him until X-Mas cause I sure want to play it.
Well the coffee is done. Sorry to everyone who has to re-do their links. Maybe this time I will actually put links on there for your sites... LOL I never did figure that out LOL
On a much better note....Last night was so fun. I love guitar hero......I love spinach dip......I love laughing with friends and having a couple of drinks. I adore Sean's little dance....and then Jerry's....I love that my son thinks he can battle the devil at guitar hero and win the first time. He did a pretty damn good job...I bet it gets in the first day he has the game himself. I don't know if we will be able to keep it from him until X-Mas cause I sure want to play it.
Well the coffee is done. Sorry to everyone who has to re-do their links. Maybe this time I will actually put links on there for your sites... LOL I never did figure that out LOL
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