Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't Freak Out...I'm Blogging

Well it's been such a long time since I have blogged i think I almost forgot how to do it. Since my threads on face book get longer and longer I must have a lot to say?

Life is once again going a hundred miles an hour. I am running all the time. The great thing this year is that I have a child old enough to take care of himself finally. I resist my temptations to get up and nag him to get things done. He wakes me up at 6:30-7 and I hang with him for a bit before the bus comes. I'm so proud of him. He has already gotten praise in school for doing his work and being pleasant.

It's been amazing to me to see how much he has grown. From a boy that I thought was going to slip through the cracks to an honor roll student. Do I take the credit? definitely not all of it. Jerry is here now (so Rick get's some credit for getting Jerry out of that rat hole job he had in Portland) Having Jerry around has made things so much nicer. The biggest amount of credit goes to Zack himself though. He works really hard at school even when we have told him to "just do your best" He always surprises me. I have spent years worried that, him being diagnosed with Aspergers was going to mean he would never be able to be "normal" Zack is proof that when everyone works together, school, family, Dr. you can make the most out of a hard situation. We never backed down and we got him the help he needed. He still struggles to write. He always will. He will always have to slow down and read things a couple of times before he gets it. But giving him support and confidence has helped him over come the hardest things.

OK that is really all I wanted to talk about. I needed to take a break from my crazy busy day of Sam's club and grocery shopping...My head is pounding so I am going to take some tylenol and put my feet up. Later~